Emotion code is a simple way to help you get rid of emotional baggage that you store in your body. When we experience any emotions and our body can’t process them correctly, then the energy that is stuck can cause depression, anxiety, self-sabotage, money issues, chronic health problems, and many other issues. After releasing them your body will heal itself and help you become more balanced, happy, and have improved health.

What is a Heart Wall ?

When our heart creates wall that protect us from emotional pain that we can get
during heart break. Suffering from childhood trauma, verbal or physical abuse or
even witnessing someone else’s emotional suffering. Our subconscious mind will
create wall to protect us feeling this emotions again. Each emoting creates layers of
protection that put up the wall and its energy is blocking us from giving or receiving
How does it affect us?
- Feeling of anxiety
- Disconnection from other
- Chronic pain
- Not feeling Love connection
- Self-sabotage in career and love life
- Felling of loneliness and sadness
After removing the heart wall you can experience the benefits of:
- Falling in love for the first time
- Feeling more confident
- Becoming more creative
- Being open to more abundance
- Huge shifts out of sadness, hopelessness and excessive fear
- Attracting healthy relationships
- Feeling more emotionally free
- Ability to give and receive love
- Improvements in relationships
- Addictions may be resolved
Who can have a heart wall? Anyone at any age could have it, approximately 92 % of people have Heart Wall. On average people have 10 – 50 emotions in their Heart Wall.